Watch Now This tutorial has a related video course created by the Real Python team. Picket it together with the written tutorial to deepen your agreement: The Pandas DataFrame: Working With Information Efficiently

The Pandas DataFrame is a structure that contains 2-dimensional data and its corresponding labels. DataFrames are widely used in information science, machine learning, scientific computing, and many other data-intensive fields.

DataFrames are similar to SQL tables or the spreadsheets that you lot work with in Excel or Calc. In many cases, DataFrames are faster, easier to use, and more than powerful than tables or spreadsheets because they're an integral role of the Python and NumPy ecosystems.

In this tutorial, you lot'll learn:

  • What a Pandas DataFrame is and how to create ane
  • How to access, alter, add, sort, filter, and delete data
  • How to handle missing values
  • How to work with time-series data
  • How to chop-chop visualize data

Information technology's time to get started with Pandas DataFrames!

Introducing the Pandas DataFrame

Pandas DataFrames are data structures that contain:

  • Data organized in ii dimensions, rows and columns
  • Labels that stand for to the rows and columns

You can start working with DataFrames past importing Pandas:


                                            >>>                                import                pandas                equally                pd                          

At present that you have Pandas imported, you lot can work with DataFrames.

Imagine you're using Pandas to analyze data about job candidates for a position developing spider web applications with Python. Say you're interested in the candidates' names, cities, ages, and scores on a Python programming examination, or py-score:

name city historic period py-score
101 Xavier Mexico City 41 88.0
102 Ann Toronto 28 79.0
103 Jana Prague 33 81.0
104 Yi Shanghai 34 eighty.0
105 Robin Manchester 38 68.0
106 Amal Cairo 31 61.0
107 Nori Osaka 37 84.0

In this table, the first row contains the column labels (name, urban center, age, and py-score). The first cavalcade holds the row labels (101, 102, and so on). All other cells are filled with the data values.

Now you lot accept everything you demand to create a Pandas DataFrame.

There are several ways to create a Pandas DataFrame. In most cases, you'll use the DataFrame constructor and provide the data, labels, and other data. You can pass the information equally a two-dimensional list, tuple, or NumPy assortment. You can also pass it every bit a dictionary or Pandas Series instance, or as one of several other data types not covered in this tutorial.

For this case, assume you lot're using a dictionary to pass the information:


                                            >>>                                data                =                {                ...                                'proper noun'                :                [                'Xavier'                ,                'Ann'                ,                'Jana'                ,                'Yi'                ,                'Robin'                ,                'Amal'                ,                'Nori'                ],                ...                                'urban center'                :                [                'United mexican states City'                ,                'Toronto'                ,                'Prague'                ,                'Shanghai'                ,                ...                                'Manchester'                ,                'Cairo'                ,                'Osaka'                ],                ...                                'age'                :                [                41                ,                28                ,                33                ,                34                ,                38                ,                31                ,                37                ],                ...                                'py-score'                :                [                88.0                ,                79.0                ,                81.0                ,                80.0                ,                68.0                ,                61.0                ,                84.0                ]                ...                                }                >>>                                row_labels                =                [                101                ,                102                ,                103                ,                104                ,                105                ,                106                ,                107                ]                          

data is a Python variable that refers to the dictionary that holds your candidate data. It too contains the labels of the columns:

  • 'proper name'
  • 'city'
  • 'age'
  • 'py-score'

Finally, row_labels refers to a list that contains the labels of the rows, which are numbers ranging from 101 to 107.

Now you're set to create a Pandas DataFrame:


                                            >>>                                df                =                pd                .                DataFrame                (                data                =                data                ,                index                =                row_labels                )                >>>                                df                                  name         city  age  py-score                101  Xavier  Mexico City   41      88.0                102     Ann      Toronto   28      79.0                103    Jana       Prague   33      81.0                104      Yi     Shanghai   34      eighty.0                105   Robin   Manchester   38      68.0                106    Amal        Cairo   31      61.0                107    Nori        Osaka   37      84.0                          

That's it! df is a variable that holds the reference to your Pandas DataFrame. This Pandas DataFrame looks just similar the candidate table in a higher place and has the following features:

  • Row labels from 101 to 107
  • Column labels such every bit 'proper noun', 'metropolis', 'historic period', and 'py-score'
  • Data such equally candidate names, cities, ages, and Python test scores

This effigy shows the labels and information from df:


The row labels are outlined in blue, whereas the column labels are outlined in red, and the information values are outlined in purple.

Pandas DataFrames tin can sometimes exist very big, making it impractical to look at all the rows at once. You tin apply .head() to show the first few items and .tail() to bear witness the terminal few items:


                                            >>>                                df                .                head                (                north                =                2                )                                  proper noun         urban center  age  py-score                101  Xavier  Mexico Urban center   41      88.0                102     Ann      Toronto   28      79.0                >>>                                df                .                tail                (                due north                =                ii                )                                  name   city  historic period  py-score                106  Amal  Cairo   31      61.0                107  Nori  Osaka   37      84.0                          

That'south how you can testify only the outset or terminate of a Pandas DataFrame. The parameter northward specifies the number of rows to show.

Y'all can admission a column in a Pandas DataFrame the same way you would get a value from a lexicon:


                                            >>>                                cities                =                df                [                'urban center'                ]                >>>                                cities                101    Mexico Urban center                102        Toronto                103         Prague                104       Shanghai                105     Manchester                106          Cairo                107          Osaka                Name: urban center, dtype: object                          

This is the near convenient way to get a column from a Pandas DataFrame.

If the proper name of the column is a string that is a valid Python identifier, and so you can use dot notation to access information technology. That is, yous can access the cavalcade the same way you would get the attribute of a form instance:


                                            >>>                                df                .                city                101    Mexico City                102        Toronto                103         Prague                104       Shanghai                105     Manchester                106          Cairo                107          Osaka                Name: city, dtype: object                          

That's how y'all get a particular column. Y'all've extracted the column that corresponds with the label 'city', which contains the locations of all your job candidates.

It'southward important to notice that you've extracted both the information and the corresponding row labels:


Each cavalcade of a Pandas DataFrame is an instance of pandas.Serial, a structure that holds ane-dimensional information and their labels. You can become a single particular of a Series object the same fashion yous would with a lexicon, by using its label as a key:


                                            >>>                                cities                [                102                ]                'Toronto'                          

In this example, 'Toronto' is the data value and 102 is the corresponding characterization. Equally you'll see in a later section, there are other ways to get a particular item in a Pandas DataFrame.

You tin also access a whole row with the accessor .loc[]:


                                            >>>                                df                .                loc                [                103                ]                name          Jana                urban center        Prague                age             33                py-score        81                Proper name: 103, dtype: object                          

This time, yous've extracted the row that corresponds to the label 103, which contains the data for the candidate named Jana. In addition to the data values from this row, y'all've extracted the labels of the respective columns:


The returned row is also an case of pandas.Serial.

Creating a Pandas DataFrame

Equally already mentioned, there are several way to create a Pandas DataFrame. In this section, you lot'll larn to do this using the DataFrame constructor along with:

  • Python dictionaries
  • Python lists
  • Two-dimensional NumPy arrays
  • Files

There are other methods as well, which you can learn about in the official documentation.

You can kickoff by importing Pandas along with NumPy, which you'll use throughout the following examples:


                                            >>>                                import                numpy                as                np                >>>                                import                pandas                equally                pd                          

That'southward information technology. Now you're set up to create some DataFrames.

Creating a Pandas DataFrame With Dictionaries

As you've already seen, y'all can create a Pandas DataFrame with a Python dictionary:


                                                  >>>                                    d                  =                  {                  'x'                  :                  [                  one                  ,                  two                  ,                  3                  ],                  'y'                  :                  np                  .                  array                  ([                  2                  ,                  4                  ,                  8                  ]),                  'z'                  :                  100                  }                  >>>                                    pd                  .                  DataFrame                  (                  d                  )                                      x  y    z                  0  one  two  100                  1  2  4  100                  2  3  8  100                              

The keys of the lexicon are the DataFrame's cavalcade labels, and the dictionary values are the data values in the corresponding DataFrame columns. The values can be contained in a tuple, list, one-dimensional NumPy array, Pandas Series object, or i of several other information types. You can too provide a unmarried value that volition be copied along the entire column.

It's possible to control the order of the columns with the columns parameter and the row labels with index:


                                                  >>>                                    pd                  .                  DataFrame                  (                  d                  ,                  index                  =                  [                  100                  ,                  200                  ,                  300                  ],                  columns                  =                  [                  'z'                  ,                  'y'                  ,                  '10'                  ])                                      z  y  x                  100  100  2  i                  200  100  iv  two                  300  100  8  3                              

As yous tin come across, you've specified the row labels 100, 200, and 300. You've likewise forced the order of columns: z, y, x.

Creating a Pandas DataFrame With Lists

Another way to create a Pandas DataFrame is to use a listing of dictionaries:


                                                  >>>                                    l                  =                  [{                  'x'                  :                  1                  ,                  'y'                  :                  2                  ,                  'z'                  :                  100                  },                  ...                                    {                  '10'                  :                  two                  ,                  'y'                  :                  4                  ,                  'z'                  :                  100                  },                  ...                                    {                  'x'                  :                  3                  ,                  'y'                  :                  eight                  ,                  'z'                  :                  100                  }]                  >>>                                    pd                  .                  DataFrame                  (                  l                  )                                      x  y    z                  0  1  2  100                  i  2  4  100                  2  3  eight  100                              

Over again, the dictionary keys are the cavalcade labels, and the dictionary values are the information values in the DataFrame.

You can also apply a nested list, or a list of lists, as the data values. If yous do, then it's wise to explicitly specify the labels of columns, rows, or both when y'all create the DataFrame:


                                                  >>>                                    l                  =                  [[                  1                  ,                  ii                  ,                  100                  ],                  ...                                    [                  2                  ,                  iv                  ,                  100                  ],                  ...                                    [                  3                  ,                  eight                  ,                  100                  ]]                  >>>                                    pd                  .                  DataFrame                  (                  fifty                  ,                  columns                  =                  [                  'x'                  ,                  'y'                  ,                  'z'                  ])                                      ten  y    z                  0  i  2  100                  i  2  four  100                  2  3  viii  100                              

That'south how you tin can apply a nested list to create a Pandas DataFrame. You can likewise use a list of tuples in the aforementioned way. To practice then, just supersede the nested lists in the example in a higher place with tuples.

Creating a Pandas DataFrame With NumPy Arrays

You can pass a two-dimensional NumPy array to the DataFrame constructor the same style you do with a listing:


                                                  >>>                                    arr                  =                  np                  .                  assortment                  ([[                  one                  ,                  two                  ,                  100                  ],                  ...                                    [                  2                  ,                  iv                  ,                  100                  ],                  ...                                    [                  3                  ,                  8                  ,                  100                  ]])                  >>>                                    df_                  =                  pd                  .                  DataFrame                  (                  arr                  ,                  columns                  =                  [                  'ten'                  ,                  'y'                  ,                  'z'                  ])                  >>>                                    df_                                      x  y    z                  0  ane  ii  100                  1  2  four  100                  two  3  8  100                              

Although this example looks almost the same equally the nested listing implementation above, it has one advantage: You can specify the optional parameter copy.

When copy is fix to False (its default setting), the data from the NumPy array isn't copied. This means that the original information from the array is assigned to the Pandas DataFrame. If you modify the array, then your DataFrame will alter as well:


                                                  >>>                                    arr                  [                  0                  ,                  0                  ]                  =                  thousand                  >>>                                    df_                                      x  y    z                  0  grand  two  100                  1     2  4  100                  2     3  8  100                              

As you can run across, when you modify the first item of arr, you besides modify df_.

If this behavior isn't what you lot want, and so you should specify re-create=Truthful in the DataFrame constructor. That mode, df_ will exist created with a copy of the values from arr instead of the bodily values.

Creating a Pandas DataFrame From Files

Yous can relieve and load the data and labels from a Pandas DataFrame to and from a number of file types, including CSV, Excel, SQL, JSON, and more. This is a very powerful characteristic.

Yous can save your chore candidate DataFrame to a CSV file with .to_csv():


                                                  >>>                                    df                  .                  to_csv                  (                  'data.csv'                  )                              

The statement higher up will produce a CSV file called data.csv in your working directory:

                                ,name,city,historic period,py-score 101,Xavier,Mexico Metropolis,41,88.0 102,Ann,Toronto,28,79.0 103,Jana,Prague,33,81.0 104,Yi,Shanghai,34,lxxx.0 105,Robin,Manchester,38,68.0 106,Amal,Cairo,31,61.0 107,Nori,Osaka,37,84.0                              

Now that you have a CSV file with data, yous can load it with read_csv():


                                                  >>>                                    pd                  .                  read_csv                  (                  'data.csv'                  ,                  index_col                  =                  0                  )                                      name         urban center  historic period  py-score                  101  Xavier  Mexico City   41      88.0                  102     Ann      Toronto   28      79.0                  103    Jana       Prague   33      81.0                  104      Yi     Shanghai   34      eighty.0                  105   Robin   Manchester   38      68.0                  106    Amal        Cairo   31      61.0                  107    Nori        Osaka   37      84.0                              

That'due south how you get a Pandas DataFrame from a file. In this case, index_col=0 specifies that the row labels are located in the get-go cavalcade of the CSV file.

Retrieving Labels and Data

Now that yous've created your DataFrame, you lot can outset retrieving information from information technology. With Pandas, y'all can perform the following deportment:

  • Retrieve and alter row and column labels as sequences
  • Correspond data every bit NumPy arrays
  • Cheque and adjust the information types
  • Analyze the size of DataFrame objects

Pandas DataFrame Labels as Sequences

You can become the DataFrame'southward row labels with .index and its column labels with .columns:


                                                  >>>                                    df                  .                  index                  Int64Index([1, 2, 3, iv, 5, half-dozen, 7], dtype='int64')                  >>>                                    df                  .                  columns                  Alphabetize(['name', 'city', 'age', 'py-score'], dtype='object')                              

At present you have the row and cavalcade labels as special kinds of sequences. Equally you lot tin can with any other Python sequence, you can get a single item:


                                                  >>>                                    df                  .                  columns                  [                  one                  ]                  'metropolis'                              

In addition to extracting a particular detail, y'all can utilize other sequence operations, including iterating through the labels of rows or columns. However, this is rarely necessary since Pandas offers other ways to iterate over DataFrames, which yous'll see in a after section.

Yous can also use this approach to modify the labels:


                                                  >>>                                    df                  .                  index                  =                  np                  .                  arange                  (                  10                  ,                  17                  )                  >>>                                    df                  .                  index                  Int64Index([10, 11, 12, thirteen, xiv, xv, sixteen], dtype='int64')                  >>>                                    df                                      proper name         urban center  age  py-score                  10  Xavier  United mexican states City   41      88.0                  11     Ann      Toronto   28      79.0                  12    Jana       Prague   33      81.0                  13      Yi     Shanghai   34      80.0                  14   Robin   Manchester   38      68.0                  xv    Amal        Cairo   31      61.0                  sixteen    Nori        Osaka   37      84.0                              

In this case, yous utilise numpy.arange() to generate a new sequence of row labels that holds the integers from 10 to xvi. To learn more about arange(), check out NumPy arange(): How to Utilise np.arange().

Keep in heed that if you try to modify a particular particular of .index or .columns, then you'll become a TypeError.

Information as NumPy Arrays

Sometimes yous might want to extract data from a Pandas DataFrame without its labels. To get a NumPy assortment with the unlabeled information, you tin utilize either .to_numpy() or .values:


                                                  >>>                                    df                  .                  to_numpy                  ()                  array([['Xavier', 'Mexico Urban center', 41, 88.0],                                      ['Ann', 'Toronto', 28, 79.0],                                      ['Jana', 'Prague', 33, 81.0],                                      ['Yi', 'Shanghai', 34, 80.0],                                      ['Robin', 'Manchester', 38, 68.0],                                      ['Amal', 'Cairo', 31, 61.0],                                      ['Nori', 'Osaka', 37, 84.0]], dtype=object)                              

Both .to_numpy() and .values work similarly, and they both return a NumPy array with the information from the Pandas DataFrame:


The Pandas documentation suggests using .to_numpy() because of the flexibility offered by 2 optional parameters:

  1. dtype: Use this parameter to specify the data type of the resulting assortment. It'south set to None by default.
  2. copy: Set this parameter to False if you desire to use the original information from the DataFrame. Set information technology to True if you want to make a copy of the information.

Still, .values has been around for much longer than .to_numpy(), which was introduced in Pandas version 0.24.0. That means y'all'll probably see .values more oft, specially in older code.

Data Types

The types of the information values, also called information types or dtypes, are important because they determine the amount of retentivity your DataFrame uses, as well as its calculation speed and level of precision.

Pandas relies heavily on NumPy data types. However, Pandas one.0 introduced some additional types:

  • BooleanDtype and BooleanArray back up missing Boolean values and Kleene three-value logic.
  • StringDtype and StringArray stand for a dedicated string type.

You lot can get the data types for each cavalcade of a Pandas DataFrame with .dtypes:


                                                  >>>                                    df                  .                  dtypes                  proper noun         object                  city         object                  age           int64                  py-score    float64                  dtype: object                              

As you can see, .dtypes returns a Series object with the column names as labels and the respective information types as values.

If you want to modify the information blazon of one or more columns, then yous can use .astype():


                                                  >>>                                    df_                  =                  df                  .                  astype                  (                  dtype                  =                  {                  'age'                  :                  np                  .                  int32                  ,                  'py-score'                  :                  np                  .                  float32                  })                  >>>                                    df_                  .                  dtypes                  name         object                  metropolis         object                  historic period           int32                  py-score    float32                  dtype: object                              

The most important and but mandatory parameter of .astype() is dtype. Information technology expects a data type or dictionary. If you lot pass a lexicon, then the keys are the column names and the values are your desired corresponding data types.

As you can run into, the information types for the columns age and py-score in the DataFrame df are both int64, which represents 64-flake (or 8-byte) integers. Still, df_ likewise offers a smaller, 32-chip (4-byte) integer information blazon called int32.

Pandas DataFrame Size

The attributes .ndim, .size, and .shape return the number of dimensions, number of information values across each dimension, and total number of data values, respectively:


                                                  >>>                                    df_                  .                  ndim                  2                  >>>                                    df_                  .                  shape                  (7, 4)                  >>>                                    df_                  .                  size                  28                              

DataFrame instances accept two dimensions (rows and columns), so .ndim returns two. A Serial object, on the other mitt, has only a single dimension, then in that case, .ndim would render 1.

The .shape attribute returns a tuple with the number of rows (in this example 7) and the number of columns (4). Finally, .size returns an integer equal to the number of values in the DataFrame (28).

Yous can fifty-fifty cheque the amount of retentivity used by each column with .memory_usage():


                                                  >>>                                    df_                  .                  memory_usage                  ()                  Alphabetize       56                  name        56                  metropolis        56                  age         28                  py-score    28                  dtype: int64                              

As you can see, .memory_usage() returns a Series with the column names as labels and the retention usage in bytes as data values. If yous want to exclude the memory usage of the column that holds the row labels, then pass the optional argument index=False.

In the instance above, the last two columns, age and py-score, use 28 bytes of memory each. That's because these columns take seven values, each of which is an integer that takes 32 $.25, or 4 bytes. 7 integers times 4 bytes each equals a total of 28 bytes of memory usage.

Accessing and Modifying Data

You've already learned how to get a detail row or column of a Pandas DataFrame equally a Series object:


                                            >>>                                df                [                'name'                ]                x    Xavier                11       Ann                12      Jana                13        Yi                fourteen     Robin                fifteen      Amal                xvi      Nori                Proper noun: name, dtype: object                >>>                                df                .                loc                [                10                ]                proper name             Xavier                city        United mexican states City                historic period                  41                py-score             88                Proper name: 10, dtype: object                          

In the first example, y'all access the column proper name as yous would access an element from a lexicon, by using its label as a key. If the column label is a valid Python identifier, and then y'all tin can as well employ dot note to access the column. In the second example, you lot use .loc[] to get the row past its characterization, ten.

Getting Information With Accessors

In addition to the accessor .loc[], which you can use to go rows or columns past their labels, Pandas offers the accessor .iloc[], which retrieves a row or cavalcade by its integer index. In well-nigh cases, y'all can utilise either of the two:


                                                  >>>                                    df                  .                  loc                  [                  x                  ]                  name             Xavier                  city        Mexico City                  historic period                  41                  py-score             88                  Name: 10, dtype: object                  >>>                                    df                  .                  iloc                  [                  0                  ]                  name             Xavier                  city        Mexico City                  historic period                  41                  py-score             88                  Proper name: 10, dtype: object                              

df.loc[10] returns the row with the label 10. Similarly, df.iloc[0] returns the row with the nix-based index 0, which is the kickoff row. As y'all can run into, both statements return the same row every bit a Series object.

Pandas has iv accessors in total:

  1. .loc[] accepts the labels of rows and columns and returns Series or DataFrames. Y'all tin can utilize it to get entire rows or columns, every bit well as their parts.

  2. .iloc[] accepts the null-based indices of rows and columns and returns Series or DataFrames. Yous can use it to get entire rows or columns, or their parts.

  3. .at[] accepts the labels of rows and columns and returns a single data value.

  4. .iat[] accepts the null-based indices of rows and columns and returns a single information value.

Of these, .loc[] and .iloc[] are particularly powerful. They support slicing and NumPy-manner indexing. You can utilise them to admission a column:


                                                  >>>                                    df                  .                  loc                  [:,                  'city'                  ]                  10    Mexico City                  11        Toronto                  12         Prague                  13       Shanghai                  14     Manchester                  15          Cairo                  16          Osaka                  Proper name: city, dtype: object                  >>>                                    df                  .                  iloc                  [:,                  1                  ]                  10    Mexico Metropolis                  eleven        Toronto                  12         Prague                  13       Shanghai                  14     Manchester                  15          Cairo                  16          Osaka                  Proper noun: city, dtype: object                              

df.loc[:, 'city'] returns the column city. The slice construct (:) in the row characterization place ways that all the rows should exist included. df.iloc[:, one] returns the aforementioned cavalcade because the zip-based index 1 refers to the second cavalcade, urban center.

Just as you can with NumPy, yous can provide slices along with lists or arrays instead of indices to get multiple rows or columns:


                                                  >>>                                    df                  .                  loc                  [                  11                  :                  15                  ,                  [                  'name'                  ,                  'city'                  ]]                                      proper noun        city                  11    Ann     Toronto                  12   Jana      Prague                  thirteen     Yi    Shanghai                  14  Robin  Manchester                  15   Amal       Cairo                  >>>                                    df                  .                  iloc                  [                  1                  :                  6                  ,                  [                  0                  ,                  one                  ]]                                      name        metropolis                  eleven    Ann     Toronto                  12   Jana      Prague                  13     Yi    Shanghai                  14  Robin  Manchester                  fifteen   Amal       Cairo                              

In this example, you apply:

  • Slices to become the rows with the labels 11 through 15, which are equivalent to the indices 1 through 5
  • Lists to get the columns name and city, which are equivalent to the indices 0 and i

Both statements render a Pandas DataFrame with the intersection of the desired 5 rows and two columns.

This brings up a very important difference between .loc[] and .iloc[]. As you can run into from the previous example, when y'all pass the row labels 11:15 to .loc[], you become the rows 11 through 15. Still, when you laissez passer the row indices 1:half-dozen to .iloc[], you lot just get the rows with the indices ane through 5.

The reason you lot only get indices 1 through 5 is that, with .iloc[], the stop alphabetize of a slice is exclusive, significant it is excluded from the returned values. This is consistent with Python sequences and NumPy arrays. With .loc[], nevertheless, both start and stop indices are inclusive, pregnant they are included with the returned values.

You can skip rows and columns with .iloc[] the same mode you tin with slicing tuples, lists, and NumPy arrays:


                                                  >>>                                    df                  .                  iloc                  [                  ane                  :                  6                  :                  2                  ,                  0                  ]                  11     Ann                  13      Yi                  15    Amal                  Name: name, dtype: object                              

In this example, you specify the desired row indices with the piece ane:six:2. This means that you commencement with the row that has the index 1 (the second row), terminate before the row with the index six (the seventh row), and skip every second row.

Instead of using the slicing construct, you could also utilize the built-in Python class piece(), too equally numpy.s_[] or pd.IndexSlice[]:


                                                  >>>                                    df                  .                  iloc                  [                  slice                  (                  1                  ,                  6                  ,                  2                  ),                  0                  ]                  xi     Ann                  xiii      Yi                  fifteen    Amal                  Proper noun: name, dtype: object                  >>>                                    df                  .                  iloc                  [                  np                  .                  s_                  [                  ane                  :                  half-dozen                  :                  ii                  ],                  0                  ]                  11     Ann                  13      Yi                  fifteen    Amal                  Name: name, dtype: object                  >>>                                    df                  .                  iloc                  [                  pd                  .                  IndexSlice                  [                  ane                  :                  half-dozen                  :                  2                  ],                  0                  ]                  11     Ann                  13      Yi                  15    Amal                  Proper noun: name, dtype: object                              

You might observe 1 of these approaches more convenient than others depending on your situation.

Information technology's possible to utilize .loc[] and .iloc[] to get particular data values. However, when you lot demand only a unmarried value, Pandas recommends using the specialized accessors .at[] and .iat[]:


                                                  >>>                                    df                  .                  at                  [                  12                  ,                  'name'                  ]                  'Jana'                  >>>                                    df                  .                  iat                  [                  ii                  ,                  0                  ]                  'Jana'                              

Here, yous used .at[] to get the name of a single candidate using its respective column and row labels. You likewise used .iat[] to retrieve the aforementioned name using its column and row indices.

Setting Data With Accessors

You can use accessors to modify parts of a Pandas DataFrame by passing a Python sequence, NumPy array, or single value:


                                                  >>>                                    df                  .                  loc                  [:,                  'py-score'                  ]                  x    88.0                  xi    79.0                  12    81.0                  thirteen    80.0                  fourteen    68.0                  15    61.0                  16    84.0                  Proper name: py-score, dtype: float64                  >>>                                    df                  .                  loc                  [:                  13                  ,                  'py-score'                  ]                  =                  [                  twoscore                  ,                  50                  ,                  60                  ,                  70                  ]                  >>>                                    df                  .                  loc                  [                  xiv                  :,                  'py-score'                  ]                  =                  0                  >>>                                    df                  [                  'py-score'                  ]                  10    40.0                  11    fifty.0                  12    threescore.0                  13    70.0                  xiv     0.0                  15     0.0                  16     0.0                  Name: py-score, dtype: float64                              

The statement df.loc[:xiii, 'py-score'] = [40, fifty, 60, 70] modifies the first four items (rows 10 through 13) in the column py-score using the values from your supplied listing. Using df.loc[14:, 'py-score'] = 0 sets the remaining values in this column to 0.

The following instance shows that you can use negative indices with .iloc[] to admission or modify information:


                                                  >>>                                    df                  .                  iloc                  [:,                  -                  1                  ]                  =                  np                  .                  array                  ([                  88.0                  ,                  79.0                  ,                  81.0                  ,                  80.0                  ,                  68.0                  ,                  61.0                  ,                  84.0                  ])                  >>>                                    df                  [                  'py-score'                  ]                  10    88.0                  11    79.0                  12    81.0                  13    eighty.0                  14    68.0                  15    61.0                  16    84.0                  Name: py-score, dtype: float64                              

In this example, you've accessed and modified the last column ('py-score'), which corresponds to the integer cavalcade index -1. This behavior is consistent with Python sequences and NumPy arrays.

Inserting and Deleting Data

Pandas provides several user-friendly techniques for inserting and deleting rows or columns. You tin cull among them based on your situation and needs.

Inserting and Deleting Rows

Imagine you want to add together a new person to your list of job candidates. You can start past creating a new Series object that represents this new candidate:


                                                  >>>                                    john                  =                  pd                  .                  Series                  (                  data                  =                  [                  'John'                  ,                  'Boston'                  ,                  34                  ,                  79                  ],                  ...                                    alphabetize                  =                  df                  .                  columns                  ,                  name                  =                  17                  )                  >>>                                    john                  name          John                  city        Boston                  historic period             34                  py-score        79                  Name: 17, dtype: object                  >>>                                    john                  .                  proper name                  17                              

The new object has labels that correspond to the column labels from df. That's why you lot demand index=df.columns.

You tin add john as a new row to the end of df with .append():


                                                  >>>                                    df                  =                  df                  .                  append                  (                  john                  )                  >>>                                    df                                      proper noun         urban center  age  py-score                  10  Xavier  Mexico City   41      88.0                  11     Ann      Toronto   28      79.0                  12    Jana       Prague   33      81.0                  xiii      Yi     Shanghai   34      lxxx.0                  14   Robin   Manchester   38      68.0                  fifteen    Amal        Cairo   31      61.0                  xvi    Nori        Osaka   37      84.0                  17    John       Boston   34      79.0                              

Here, .append() returns the Pandas DataFrame with the new row appended. Notice how Pandas uses the attribute, which is the value 17, to specify the characterization for the new row.

You've appended a new row with a single call to .append(), and you lot can delete it with a single call to .drop():


                                                  >>>                                    df                  =                  df                  .                  drop                  (                  labels                  =                  [                  17                  ])                  >>>                                    df                                      name         city  age  py-score                  10  Xavier  Mexico Urban center   41      88.0                  11     Ann      Toronto   28      79.0                  12    Jana       Prague   33      81.0                  xiii      Yi     Shanghai   34      80.0                  fourteen   Robin   Manchester   38      68.0                  xv    Amal        Cairo   31      61.0                  sixteen    Nori        Osaka   37      84.0                              

Hither, .drop() removes the rows specified with the parameter labels. By default, it returns the Pandas DataFrame with the specified rows removed. If you lot pass inplace=True, so the original DataFrame volition be modified and you'll get None as the return value.

Inserting and Deleting Columns

The nearly straightforward way to insert a column in a Pandas DataFrame is to follow the aforementioned procedure that you utilize when yous add together an item to a dictionary. Here's how you can suspend a cavalcade containing your candidates' scores on a JavaScript test:


                                                  >>>                                    df                  [                  'js-score'                  ]                  =                  np                  .                  array                  ([                  71.0                  ,                  95.0                  ,                  88.0                  ,                  79.0                  ,                  91.0                  ,                  91.0                  ,                  80.0                  ])                  >>>                                    df                                      name         city  historic period  py-score  js-score                  ten  Xavier  Mexico City   41      88.0      71.0                  11     Ann      Toronto   28      79.0      95.0                  12    Jana       Prague   33      81.0      88.0                  13      Yi     Shanghai   34      80.0      79.0                  xiv   Robin   Manchester   38      68.0      91.0                  15    Amal        Cairo   31      61.0      91.0                  16    Nori        Osaka   37      84.0      eighty.0                              

Now the original DataFrame has one more column, js-score, at its end.

You don't have to provide a total sequence of values. You can add a new column with a single value:


                                                  >>>                                    df                  [                  'total-score'                  ]                  =                  0.0                  >>>                                    df                                      name         city  age  py-score  js-score  full-score                  10  Xavier  United mexican states City   41      88.0      71.0          0.0                  11     Ann      Toronto   28      79.0      95.0          0.0                  12    Jana       Prague   33      81.0      88.0          0.0                  13      Yi     Shanghai   34      fourscore.0      79.0          0.0                  xiv   Robin   Manchester   38      68.0      91.0          0.0                  xv    Amal        Cairo   31      61.0      91.0          0.0                  xvi    Nori        Osaka   37      84.0      80.0          0.0                              

The DataFrame df now has an additional cavalcade filled with zeros.

If you've used dictionaries in the past, then this way of inserting columns might be familiar to you. However, it doesn't allow y'all to specify the location of the new cavalcade. If the location of the new column is important, then you tin use .insert() instead:


                                                  >>>                                    df                  .                  insert                  (                  loc                  =                  four                  ,                  column                  =                  'django-score'                  ,                  ...                                    value                  =                  np                  .                  array                  ([                  86.0                  ,                  81.0                  ,                  78.0                  ,                  88.0                  ,                  74.0                  ,                  70.0                  ,                  81.0                  ]))                  >>>                                    df                                      name         city  age  py-score  django-score  js-score  total-score                  10  Xavier  Mexico City   41      88.0          86.0      71.0          0.0                  eleven     Ann      Toronto   28      79.0          81.0      95.0          0.0                  12    Jana       Prague   33      81.0          78.0      88.0          0.0                  13      Yi     Shanghai   34      80.0          88.0      79.0          0.0                  14   Robin   Manchester   38      68.0          74.0      91.0          0.0                  15    Amal        Cairo   31      61.0          70.0      91.0          0.0                  xvi    Nori        Osaka   37      84.0          81.0      80.0          0.0                              

You've just inserted another column with the score of the Django examination. The parameter loc determines the location, or the zero-based alphabetize, of the new column in the Pandas DataFrame. column sets the label of the new column, and value specifies the data values to insert.

You can delete one or more columns from a Pandas DataFrame just as you would with a regular Python dictionary, past using the del statement:


                                                  >>>                                    del                  df                  [                  'total-score'                  ]                  >>>                                    df                                      name         city  age  py-score  django-score  js-score                  10  Xavier  Mexico City   41      88.0          86.0      71.0                  xi     Ann      Toronto   28      79.0          81.0      95.0                  12    Jana       Prague   33      81.0          78.0      88.0                  13      Yi     Shanghai   34      80.0          88.0      79.0                  14   Robin   Manchester   38      68.0          74.0      91.0                  15    Amal        Cairo   31      61.0          lxx.0      91.0                  16    Nori        Osaka   37      84.0          81.0      80.0                              

Now you take df without the column total-score. Another similarity to dictionaries is the power to use .pop(), which removes the specified cavalcade and returns it. That means you could do something like df.popular('total-score') instead of using del.

You can too remove one or more columns with .drop() as you did previously with the rows. Again, you demand to specify the labels of the desired columns with labels. In addition, when you lot want to remove columns, you need to provide the argument axis=1:


                                                  >>>                                    df                  =                  df                  .                  drib                  (                  labels                  =                  'age'                  ,                  axis                  =                  ane                  )                  >>>                                    df                                      proper noun         metropolis  py-score  django-score  js-score                  ten  Xavier  Mexico City      88.0          86.0      71.0                  11     Ann      Toronto      79.0          81.0      95.0                  12    Jana       Prague      81.0          78.0      88.0                  13      Yi     Shanghai      80.0          88.0      79.0                  14   Robin   Manchester      68.0          74.0      91.0                  xv    Amal        Cairo      61.0          70.0      91.0                  16    Nori        Osaka      84.0          81.0      80.0                              

You lot've removed the cavalcade age from your DataFrame.

By default, .drib() returns the DataFrame without the specified columns unless yous pass inplace=True.

Applying Arithmetic Operations

Yous can utilise basic arithmetic operations such equally addition, subtraction, multiplication, and partitioning to Pandas Series and DataFrame objects the same manner you would with NumPy arrays:


                                            >>>                                df                [                'py-score'                ]                +                df                [                'js-score'                ]                10    159.0                11    174.0                12    169.0                thirteen    159.0                14    159.0                15    152.0                16    164.0                dtype: float64                >>>                                df                [                'py-score'                ]                /                100                x    0.88                11    0.79                12    0.81                13    0.80                14    0.68                15    0.61                16    0.84                Name: py-score, dtype: float64                          

You lot tin use this technique to insert a new column to a Pandas DataFrame. For instance, attempt calculating a total score as a linear combination of your candidates' Python, Django, and JavaScript scores:


                                            >>>                                df                [                'full'                ]                =\                ...                                0.four                *                df                [                'py-score'                ]                +                0.iii                *                df                [                'django-score'                ]                +                0.3                *                df                [                'js-score'                ]                >>>                                df                                  name         city  py-score  django-score  js-score  total                10  Xavier  Mexico City      88.0          86.0      71.0   82.iii                11     Ann      Toronto      79.0          81.0      95.0   84.4                12    Jana       Prague      81.0          78.0      88.0   82.2                13      Yi     Shanghai      80.0          88.0      79.0   82.1                fourteen   Robin   Manchester      68.0          74.0      91.0   76.7                15    Amal        Cairo      61.0          lxx.0      91.0   72.7                sixteen    Nori        Osaka      84.0          81.0      80.0   81.9                          

At present your DataFrame has a column with a total score calculated from your candidates' individual test scores. Even amend, you lot accomplished that with just a single statement!

Applying NumPy and SciPy Functions

Most NumPy and SciPy routines can be applied to Pandas Series or DataFrame objects as arguments instead of as NumPy arrays. To illustrate this, you can calculate candidates' total examination scores using the NumPy routine numpy.average().

Instead of passing a NumPy assortment to numpy.boilerplate(), you'll laissez passer a role of your Pandas DataFrame:


                                            >>>                                import                numpy                equally                np                >>>                                score                =                df                .                iloc                [:,                2                :                five                ]                >>>                                score                                  py-score  django-score  js-score                10      88.0          86.0      71.0                11      79.0          81.0      95.0                12      81.0          78.0      88.0                13      eighty.0          88.0      79.0                xiv      68.0          74.0      91.0                15      61.0          seventy.0      91.0                16      84.0          81.0      eighty.0                >>>                                np                .                average                (                score                ,                axis                =                1                ,                ...                                weights                =                [                0.4                ,                0.3                ,                0.iii                ])                array([82.3, 84.4, 82.2, 82.i, 76.7, 72.vii, 81.nine])                          

The variable score now refers to the DataFrame with the Python, Django, and JavaScript scores. Yous tin can use score equally an statement of numpy.average() and get the linear combination of columns with the specified weights.

But that'south not all! You can use the NumPy array returned past average() as a new cavalcade of df. First, delete the existing column total from df, and so suspend the new one using average():


                                            >>>                                del                df                [                'total'                ]                >>>                                df                                  proper name         metropolis  py-score  django-score  js-score                10  Xavier  Mexico Metropolis      88.0          86.0      71.0                11     Ann      Toronto      79.0          81.0      95.0                12    Jana       Prague      81.0          78.0      88.0                13      Yi     Shanghai      80.0          88.0      79.0                xiv   Robin   Manchester      68.0          74.0      91.0                fifteen    Amal        Cairo      61.0          70.0      91.0                sixteen    Nori        Osaka      84.0          81.0      lxxx.0                >>>                                df                [                'total'                ]                =                np                .                average                (                df                .                iloc                [:,                two                :                5                ],                axis                =                1                ,                ...                                weights                =                [                0.iv                ,                0.three                ,                0.three                ])                >>>                                df                                  proper noun         city  py-score  django-score  js-score  total                x  Xavier  Mexico Urban center      88.0          86.0      71.0   82.3                11     Ann      Toronto      79.0          81.0      95.0   84.4                12    Jana       Prague      81.0          78.0      88.0   82.2                thirteen      Yi     Shanghai      80.0          88.0      79.0   82.1                14   Robin   Manchester      68.0          74.0      91.0   76.vii                15    Amal        Cairo      61.0          70.0      91.0   72.7                sixteen    Nori        Osaka      84.0          81.0      lxxx.0   81.9                          

The result is the aforementioned as in the previous example, simply hither you used the existing NumPy role instead of writing your ain lawmaking.

Sorting a Pandas DataFrame

Y'all can sort a Pandas DataFrame with .sort_values():


                                            >>>                                df                .                sort_values                (                past                =                'js-score'                ,                ascending                =                Simulated                )                                  proper name         metropolis  py-score  django-score  js-score  total                eleven     Ann      Toronto      79.0          81.0      95.0   84.4                14   Robin   Manchester      68.0          74.0      91.0   76.7                fifteen    Amal        Cairo      61.0          lxx.0      91.0                12    Jana       Prague      81.0          78.0      88.0   82.two                16    Nori        Osaka      84.0          81.0      80.0   81.nine                13      Yi     Shanghai      80.0          88.0      79.0   82.1                x  Xavier  Mexico City      88.0          86.0      71.0   82.three                          

This example sorts your DataFrame by the values in the cavalcade js-score. The parameter by sets the label of the row or column to sort by. ascending specifies whether you want to sort in ascending (True) or descending (Simulated) guild, the latter existence the default setting. You can pass centrality to choose if you want to sort rows (axis=0) or columns (axis=i).

If y'all want to sort past multiple columns, so only pass lists as arguments for past and ascending:


                                            >>>                                df                .                sort_values                (                past                =                [                'total'                ,                'py-score'                ],                ascending                =                [                False                ,                False                ])                                  proper name         urban center  py-score  django-score  js-score  total                11     Ann      Toronto      79.0          81.0      95.0   84.four                10  Xavier  Mexico City      88.0          86.0      71.0   82.3                12    Jana       Prague      81.0          78.0      88.0   82.2                13      Yi     Shanghai      80.0          88.0      79.0   82.1                16    Nori        Osaka      84.0          81.0      80.0   81.9                14   Robin   Manchester      68.0          74.0      91.0   76.7                fifteen    Amal        Cairo      61.0          70.0      91.0   72.vii                          

In this instance, the DataFrame is sorted by the cavalcade full, simply if two values are the same, then their order is determined past the values from the cavalcade py-score.

The optional parameter inplace can besides be used with .sort_values(). Information technology'due south set to False by default, ensuring .sort_values() returns a new Pandas DataFrame. When y'all set inplace=True, the existing DataFrame will be modified and .sort_values() will return None.

If you lot've e'er tried to sort values in Excel, so you lot might detect the Pandas arroyo much more efficient and convenient. When y'all have large amounts of data, Pandas can significantly outperform Excel.

For more than information on sorting in Pandas, check out Pandas Sort: Your Guide to Sorting Information in Python.

Filtering Information

Information filtering is another powerful characteristic of Pandas. It works similarly to indexing with Boolean arrays in NumPy.

If you apply some logical operation on a Series object, then y'all'll get another Series with the Boolean values True and False:


                                            >>>                                filter_                =                df                [                'django-score'                ]                >=                eighty                >>>                                filter_                10     True                11     True                12    False                13     Truthful                14    False                15    Faux                16     Truthful                Name: django-score, dtype: bool                          

In this case, df['django-score'] >= lxxx returns True for those rows in which the Django score is greater than or equal to eighty. It returns False for the rows with a Django score less than 80.

You lot now have the Series filter_ filled with Boolean data. The expression df[filter_] returns a Pandas DataFrame with the rows from df that correspond to True in filter_:


                                            >>>                                df                [                filter_                ]                                  proper name         city  py-score  django-score  js-score  total                ten  Xavier  United mexican states City      88.0          86.0      71.0   82.3                11     Ann      Toronto      79.0          81.0      95.0   84.4                xiii      Yi     Shanghai      eighty.0          88.0      79.0   82.i                16    Nori        Osaka      84.0          81.0      80.0   81.9                          

As you can see, filter_[10], filter_[11], filter_[xiii], and filter_[16] are True, so df[filter_] contains the rows with these labels. On the other hand, filter_[12], filter_[14], and filter_[15] are Faux, so the respective rows don't appear in df[filter_].

Y'all can create very powerful and sophisticated expressions by combining logical operations with the following operators:

  • NOT (~)
  • AND (&)
  • OR (|)
  • XOR (^)

For example, you can get a DataFrame with the candidates whose py-score and js-score are greater than or equal to 80:


                                            >>>                                df                [(                df                [                'py-score'                ]                >=                80                )                &                (                df                [                'js-score'                ]                >=                80                )]                                  name    city  py-score  django-score  js-score  full                12  Jana  Prague      81.0          78.0      88.0   82.two                16  Nori   Osaka      84.0          81.0      lxxx.0   81.9                          

The expression (df['py-score'] >= eighty) & (df['js-score'] >= 80) returns a Series with True in the rows for which both py-score and js-score are greater than or equal to lxxx and Imitation in the others. In this case, only the rows with the labels 12 and 16 satisfy both conditions.

You tin can also use NumPy logical routines instead of operators.

For some operations that require data filtering, it's more than convenient to apply .where(). It replaces the values in the positions where the provided condition isn't satisfied:


                                            >>>                                df                [                'django-score'                ]                .                where                (                cond                =                df                [                'django-score'                ]                >=                80                ,                other                =                0.0                )                x    86.0                eleven    81.0                12     0.0                xiii    88.0                14     0.0                fifteen     0.0                xvi    81.0                Proper noun: django-score, dtype: float64                          

In this example, the condition is df['django-score'] >= 80. The values of the DataFrame or Series that calls .where() will remain the same where the condition is True and will be replaced with the value of other (in this case 0.0) where the condition is False.

Determining Data Statistics

Pandas provides many statistical methods for DataFrames. You tin get basic statistics for the numerical columns of a Pandas DataFrame with .describe():


                                            >>>                                df                .                describe                ()                                  py-score  django-score   js-score      full                count   seven.000000      seven.000000   7.000000   7.000000                mean   77.285714     79.714286  85.000000  80.328571                std     nine.446592      six.343350   8.544004   4.101510                min    61.000000     seventy.000000  71.000000  72.700000                25%    73.500000     76.000000  79.500000  79.300000                fifty%    eighty.000000     81.000000  88.000000  82.100000                75%    82.500000     83.500000  91.000000  82.250000                max    88.000000     88.000000  95.000000  84.400000                          

Here, .describe() returns a new DataFrame with the number of rows indicated by count, as well every bit the hateful, standard deviation, minimum, maximum, and quartiles of the columns.

If you want to become detail statistics for some or all of your columns, and so y'all can call methods such as .hateful() or .std():


                                            >>>                                df                .                hateful                ()                py-score        77.285714                django-score    79.714286                js-score        85.000000                full           80.328571                dtype: float64                >>>                                df                [                'py-score'                ]                .                mean                ()                77.28571428571429                >>>                                df                .                std                ()                py-score        nine.446592                django-score    6.343350                js-score        8.544004                total           4.101510                dtype: float64                >>>                                df                [                'py-score'                ]                .                std                ()                9.446591726019244                          

When practical to a Pandas DataFrame, these methods return Series with the results for each column. When applied to a Series object, or a single column of a DataFrame, the methods return scalars.

To learn more about statistical calculations with Pandas, check out Descriptive Statistics With Python and NumPy, SciPy, and Pandas: Correlation With Python.

Handling Missing Data

Missing data is very common in data science and motorcar learning. Simply never fearfulness! Pandas has very powerful features for working with missing data. In fact, its documentation has an entire section dedicated to working with missing data.

Pandas usually represents missing data with NaN (not a number) values. In Python, you can go NaN with float('nan'), math.nan, or numpy.nan. Starting with Pandas 1.0, newer types like BooleanDtype, Int8Dtype, Int16Dtype, Int32Dtype, and Int64Dtype utilize pandas.NA as a missing value.

Here'southward an example of a Pandas DataFrame with a missing value:


                                            >>>                                df_                =                pd                .                DataFrame                ({                '10'                :                [                1                ,                two                ,                np                .                nan                ,                iv                ]})                >>>                                df_                                  ten                0  one.0                one  2.0                2  NaN                3  four.0                          

The variable df_ refers to the DataFrame with one column, x, and four values. The third value is nan and is considered missing by default.

Computing With Missing Data

Many Pandas methods omit nan values when performing calculations unless they are explicitly instructed not to:


                                                  >>>                                    df_                  .                  mean                  ()                  10    2.333333                  dtype: float64                  >>>                                    df_                  .                  hateful                  (                  skipna                  =                  Faux                  )                  10   NaN                  dtype: float64                              

In the starting time example, df_.mean() calculates the mean without taking NaN (the 3rd value) into business relationship. It but takes ane.0, 2.0, and 4.0 and returns their average, which is 2.33.

However, if you instruct .mean() non to skip nan values with skipna=False, then it will consider them and return nan if there's whatsoever missing value amongst the data.

Filling Missing Data

Pandas has several options for filling, or replacing, missing values with other values. One of the well-nigh convenient methods is .fillna(). You can employ it to replace missing values with:

  • Specified values
  • The values above the missing value
  • The values below the missing value

Here's how you lot can apply the options mentioned higher up:


                                                  >>>                                    df_                  .                  fillna                  (                  value                  =                  0                  )                                      x                  0  one.0                  i  2.0                  ii  0.0                  three  iv.0                  >>>                                    df_                  .                  fillna                  (                  method                  =                  'ffill'                  )                                      x                  0  1.0                  1  2.0                  2  2.0                  iii  4.0                  >>>                                    df_                  .                  fillna                  (                  method                  =                  'bfill'                  )                                      10                  0  1.0                  1  2.0                  2  4.0                  3  4.0                              

In the first example, .fillna(value=0) replaces the missing value with 0.0, which you specified with value. In the 2nd case, .fillna(method='ffill') replaces the missing value with the value above it, which is ii.0. In the third example, .fillna(method='bfill') uses the value beneath the missing value, which is four.0.

Some other pop option is to apply interpolation and supplant missing values with interpolated values. You can do this with .interpolate():


                                                  >>>                                    df_                  .                  interpolate                  ()                                      x                  0  ane.0                  one  two.0                  two  3.0                  three  4.0                              

Every bit you lot can come across, .interpolate() replaces the missing value with an interpolated value.

You tin can also utilize the optional parameter inplace with .fillna(). Doing so volition:

  • Create and render a new DataFrame when inplace=False
  • Change the existing DataFrame and return None when inplace=True

The default setting for inplace is Faux. However, inplace=True can be very useful when you're working with large amounts of data and want to prevent unnecessary and inefficient copying.

Deleting Rows and Columns With Missing Information

In certain situations, yous might want to delete rows or even columns that have missing values. You lot tin do this with .dropna():


                                                  >>>                                    df_                  .                  dropna                  ()                                      x                  0  1.0                  ane  2.0                  3  four.0                              

In this case, .dropna() simply deletes the row with nan, including its characterization. It also has the optional parameter inplace, which behaves the same as it does with .fillna() and .interpolate().

Iterating Over a Pandas DataFrame

Every bit you learned earlier, a DataFrame'south row and column labels tin can exist retrieved as sequences with .index and .columns. You can utilize this feature to iterate over labels and get or fix information values. All the same, Pandas provides several more than user-friendly methods for iteration:

  • .items() to iterate over columns
  • .iteritems() to iterate over columns
  • .iterrows() to iterate over rows
  • .itertuples() to iterate over rows and go named tuples

With .items() and .iteritems(), you iterate over the columns of a Pandas DataFrame. Each iteration yields a tuple with the name of the column and the cavalcade information as a Series object:


                                            >>>                                for                col_label                ,                col                in                df                .                iteritems                ():                ...                                print                (                col_label                ,                col                ,                sep                =                '                \n                '                ,                stop                =                '                \n\northward                '                )                ...                name                ten    Xavier                eleven       Ann                12      Jana                thirteen        Yi                14     Robin                15      Amal                16      Nori                Name: name, dtype: object                urban center                10    Mexico Urban center                eleven        Toronto                12         Prague                xiii       Shanghai                14     Manchester                xv          Cairo                xvi          Osaka                Name: urban center, dtype: object                py-score                10    88.0                xi    79.0                12    81.0                13    80.0                14    68.0                fifteen    61.0                16    84.0                Name: py-score, dtype: float64                django-score                10    86.0                11    81.0                12    78.0                13    88.0                xiv    74.0                15    seventy.0                16    81.0                Proper noun: django-score, dtype: float64                js-score                ten    71.0                11    95.0                12    88.0                thirteen    79.0                fourteen    91.0                15    91.0                sixteen    80.0                Proper noun: js-score, dtype: float64                total                ten    82.3                11    84.4                12    82.2                13                fourteen    76.7                15    72.vii                sixteen    81.ix                Proper name: total, dtype: float64                          

That's how you use .items() and .iteritems().

With .iterrows(), y'all iterate over the rows of a Pandas DataFrame. Each iteration yields a tuple with the name of the row and the row data equally a Series object:


                                            >>>                                for                row_label                ,                row                in                df                .                iterrows                ():                ...                                impress                (                row_label                ,                row                ,                sep                =                '                \n                '                ,                finish                =                '                \due north\due north                '                )                ...                ten                name                 Xavier                city            United mexican states City                py-score                 88                django-score             86                js-score                 71                total                  82.3                Proper name: 10, dtype: object                11                name                Ann                city            Toronto                py-score             79                django-score         81                js-score             95                total              84.four                Proper noun: 11, dtype: object                12                name              Jana                metropolis            Prague                py-score            81                django-score        78                js-score            88                total             82.2                Proper name: 12, dtype: object                thirteen                name                  Yi                metropolis            Shanghai                py-score              lxxx                django-score          88                js-score              79                full               82.1                Proper noun: 13, dtype: object                fourteen                name                 Robin                city            Manchester                py-score                68                django-score            74                js-score                91                full                 76.7                Proper noun: 14, dtype: object                15                name             Amal                city            Cairo                py-score           61                django-score       70                js-score           91                total            72.7                Proper name: fifteen, dtype: object                xvi                proper name             Nori                city            Osaka                py-score           84                django-score       81                js-score           eighty                full            81.9                Proper noun: sixteen, dtype: object                          

That's how you apply .iterrows().

Similarly, .itertuples() iterates over the rows and in each iteration yields a named tuple with (optionally) the index and data:


                                            >>>                                for                row                in                df                .                loc                [:,                [                'proper name'                ,                'city'                ,                'total'                ]]                .                itertuples                ():                ...                                print                (                row                )                ...                Pandas(Index=10, name='Xavier', metropolis='Mexico City', total=82.3)                Pandas(Alphabetize=eleven, name='Ann', city='Toronto', total=84.4)                Pandas(Alphabetize=12, name='Jana', city='Prague', total=82.19999999999999)                Pandas(Index=13, name='Yi', metropolis='Shanghai', total=82.i)                Pandas(Index=14, name='Robin', city='Manchester', total=76.7)                Pandas(Index=fifteen, name='Amal', city='Cairo', full=72.7)                Pandas(Index=xvi, proper name='Nori', city='Osaka', full=81.9)                          

Yous tin specify the name of the named tuple with the parameter name, which is prepare to 'Pandas' past default. Yous can also specify whether to include row labels with alphabetize, which is set to Truthful by default.

Working With Time Series

Pandas excels at handling time serial. Although this functionality is partly based on NumPy datetimes and timedeltas, Pandas provides much more flexibility.

Creating DataFrames With Time-Serial Labels

In this section, you'll create a Pandas DataFrame using the hourly temperature data from a single day.

Y'all can offset by creating a list (or tuple, NumPy assortment, or other data type) with the data values, which will be hourly temperatures given in degrees Celsius:


                                                  >>>                                    temp_c                  =                  [                  8.0                  ,                  7.1                  ,                  half-dozen.8                  ,                  6.iv                  ,                  vi.0                  ,                  v.4                  ,                  iv.8                  ,                  five.0                  ,                  ...                                    9.1                  ,                  12.8                  ,                  fifteen.3                  ,                  nineteen.ane                  ,                  21.2                  ,                  22.1                  ,                  22.4                  ,                  23.1                  ,                  ...                                    21.0                  ,                  17.9                  ,                  15.five                  ,                  14.4                  ,                  11.ix                  ,                  xi.0                  ,                  ten.2                  ,                  nine.1                  ]                              

Now you lot have the variable temp_c, which refers to the list of temperature values.

The side by side step is to create a sequence of dates and times. Pandas provides a very convenient function, date_range(), for this purpose:


                                                  >>>                                    dt                  =                  pd                  .                  date_range                  (                  kickoff                  =                  '2019-10-27 00:00:00.0'                  ,                  periods                  =                  24                  ,                  ...                                    freq                  =                  'H'                  )                  >>>                                    dt                  DatetimeIndex(['2019-10-27 00:00:00', '2019-10-27 01:00:00',                                      '2019-10-27 02:00:00', '2019-ten-27 03:00:00',                                      '2019-10-27 04:00:00', '2019-10-27 05:00:00',                                      '2019-10-27 06:00:00', '2019-10-27 07:00:00',                                      '2019-10-27 08:00:00', '2019-x-27 09:00:00',                                      '2019-10-27 10:00:00', '2019-10-27 11:00:00',                                      '2019-x-27 12:00:00', '2019-10-27 thirteen:00:00',                                      '2019-10-27 xiv:00:00', '2019-x-27 15:00:00',                                      '2019-x-27 xvi:00:00', '2019-10-27 17:00:00',                                      '2019-10-27 18:00:00', '2019-10-27 19:00:00',                                      '2019-ten-27 20:00:00', '2019-10-27 21:00:00',                                      '2019-10-27 22:00:00', '2019-10-27 23:00:00'],                                      dtype='datetime64[ns]', freq='H')                              

date_range() accepts the arguments that you use to specify the start or end of the range, number of periods, frequency, fourth dimension zone, and more than.

Now that you have the temperature values and the corresponding dates and times, yous tin create the DataFrame. In many cases, it'due south convenient to use engagement-time values every bit the row labels:


                                                  >>>                                    temp                  =                  pd                  .                  DataFrame                  (                  data                  =                  {                  'temp_c'                  :                  temp_c                  },                  alphabetize                  =                  dt                  )                  >>>                                    temp                                      temp_c                  2019-10-27 00:00:00     8.0                  2019-10-27 01:00:00                  2019-10-27 02:00:00     6.8                  2019-10-27 03:00:00     6.4                  2019-10-27 04:00:00     6.0                  2019-ten-27 05:00:00     five.4                  2019-10-27 06:00:00     4.8                  2019-x-27 07:00:00     five.0                  2019-10-27 08:00:00     ix.i                  2019-10-27 09:00:00    12.8                  2019-x-27 ten:00:00    15.three                  2019-x-27 xi:00:00    19.i                  2019-x-27 12:00:00    21.ii                  2019-ten-27 13:00:00    22.1                  2019-10-27 14:00:00    22.4                  2019-10-27 15:00:00                  2019-ten-27 16:00:00    21.0                  2019-x-27 17:00:00    17.ix                  2019-10-27 eighteen:00:00    15.5                  2019-10-27 nineteen:00:00    14.4                  2019-10-27 xx:00:00    xi.nine                  2019-10-27 21:00:00    11.0                  2019-10-27 22:00:00    ten.2                  2019-10-27 23:00:00                              

That'due south it! You've created a DataFrame with fourth dimension-series data and engagement-time row indices.

Indexing and Slicing

Once you have a Pandas DataFrame with time-series information, y'all can conveniently utilize slicing to get merely a part of the information:


                                                  >>>                                    temp                  [                  '2019-10-27 05'                  :                  '2019-ten-27 14'                  ]                                      temp_c                  2019-10-27 05:00:00     five.four                  2019-10-27 06:00:00     four.viii                  2019-10-27 07:00:00     v.0                  2019-10-27 08:00:00     9.1                  2019-10-27 09:00:00    12.eight                  2019-10-27 ten:00:00    15.iii                  2019-10-27 11:00:00                  2019-x-27 12:00:00    21.2                  2019-10-27 thirteen:00:00    22.1                  2019-10-27 xiv:00:00    22.four                              

This example shows how to excerpt the temperatures between 05:00 and 14:00 (5 a.1000. and 2 p.m.). Although you've provided strings, Pandas knows that your row labels are appointment-time values and interprets the strings as dates and times.

Resampling and Rolling

You lot've just seen how to combine engagement-time row labels and employ slicing to get the data you need from the time-series data. This is just the beginning. Information technology gets better!

If you want to divide a 24-hour interval into four half-dozen-hour intervals and get the hateful temperature for each interval, and so you're simply ane argument away from doing so. Pandas provides the method .resample(), which you can combine with other methods such as .mean():


                                                  >>>                                    temp                  .                  resample                  (                  rule                  =                  '6h'                  )                  .                  mean                  ()                                      temp_c                  2019-10-27 00:00:00   half dozen.616667                  2019-10-27 06:00:00  11.016667                  2019-ten-27 12:00:00  21.283333                  2019-10-27 18:00:00  12.016667                              

Y'all at present have a new Pandas DataFrame with four rows. Each row corresponds to a unmarried half-dozen-hour interval. For example, the value 6.616667 is the mean of the first six temperatures from the DataFrame temp, whereas 12.016667 is the mean of the concluding six temperatures.

Instead of .hateful(), you can apply .min() or .max() to get the minimum and maximum temperatures for each interval. You lot can also use .sum() to get the sums of data values, although this information probably isn't useful when you're working with temperatures.

You might also need to do some rolling-window analysis. This involves computing a statistic for a specified number of adjacent rows, which make up your window of information. You can "coil" the window by selecting a different prepare of adjacent rows to perform your calculations on.

Your kickoff window starts with the first row in your DataFrame and includes as many adjacent rows every bit y'all specify. You then move your window downward 1 row, dropping the first row and adding the row that comes immediately afterwards the terminal row, and calculate the aforementioned statistic again. You repeat this process until you attain the concluding row of the DataFrame.

Pandas provides the method .rolling() for this purpose:


                                                  >>>                                    temp                  .                  rolling                  (                  window                  =                  three                  )                  .                  mean                  ()                                      temp_c                  2019-10-27 00:00:00        NaN                  2019-x-27 01:00:00        NaN                  2019-ten-27 02:00:00   7.300000                  2019-10-27 03:00:00   6.766667                  2019-10-27 04:00:00   6.400000                  2019-10-27 05:00:00   5.933333                  2019-x-27 06:00:00   5.400000                  2019-ten-27 07:00:00   five.066667                  2019-10-27 08:00:00   six.300000                  2019-10-27 09:00:00   viii.966667                  2019-10-27 10:00:00  12.400000                  2019-10-27 11:00:00  xv.733333                  2019-10-27 12:00:00  xviii.533333                  2019-10-27 13:00:00  20.800000                  2019-10-27 14:00:00  21.900000                  2019-10-27 15:00:00  22.533333                  2019-10-27 xvi:00:00  22.166667                  2019-10-27 17:00:00  twenty.666667                  2019-10-27 eighteen:00:00  18.133333                  2019-10-27 xix:00:00  15.933333                  2019-10-27 xx:00:00  13.933333                  2019-10-27 21:00:00  12.433333                  2019-10-27 22:00:00  11.033333                  2019-ten-27 23:00:00  ten.100000                              

Now you lot have a DataFrame with mean temperatures calculated for several three-hour windows. The parameter window specifies the size of the moving time window.

In the example above, the tertiary value (seven.3) is the mean temperature for the first three hours (00:00:00, 01:00:00, and 02:00:00). The fourth value is the mean temperature for the hours 02:00:00, 03:00:00, and 04:00:00. The final value is the mean temperature for the concluding three hours, 21:00:00, 22:00:00, and 23:00:00. The first two values are missing because there isn't plenty data to calculate them.

Plotting With Pandas DataFrames

Pandas allows you to visualize data or create plots based on DataFrames. It uses Matplotlib in the background, so exploiting Pandas' plotting capabilities is very similar to working with Matplotlib.

If you desire to brandish the plots, then you lot first demand to import matplotlib.pyplot:


                                            >>>                                import                matplotlib.pyplot                as                plt                          

Now y'all can use pandas.DataFrame.plot() to create the plot and to display information technology:


                                            >>>                                temp                .                plot                ()                <matplotlib.axes._subplots.AxesSubplot object at 0x7f070cd9d950>                >>>                                plt                .                testify                ()                          

Now .plot() returns a plot object that looks like this:


You can also utilise .plot.line() and become the same result. Both .plot() and .plot.line() have many optional parameters that you can use to specify the look of your plot. Some of them are passed directly to the underlying Matplotlib methods.

You can save your figure past chaining the methods .get_figure() and .savefig():


                                            >>>                                temp                .                plot                ()                .                get_figure                ()                .                savefig                (                'temperatures.png'                )                          

This argument creates the plot and saves it as a file called 'temperatures.png' in your working directory.

Y'all can go other types of plots with a Pandas DataFrame. For example, you can visualize your job candidate data from earlier every bit a histogram with .plot.hist():


                                            >>>                                df                .                loc                [:,                [                'py-score'                ,                'total'                ]]                .                plot                .                hist                (                bins                =                v                ,                alpha                =                0.4                )                <matplotlib.axes._subplots.AxesSubplot object at 0x7f070c69edd0>                >>>                                plt                .                show                ()                          

In this example, you extract the Python examination score and total score data and visualize it with a histogram. The resulting plot looks like this:


This is just the bones look. You can suit details with optional parameters including .plot.hist(), Matplotlib'south plt.rcParams, and many others. You can find detailed explanations in the Anatomy of Matplotlib.

Farther Reading

Pandas DataFrames are very comprehensive objects that support many operations not mentioned in this tutorial. Some of these include:

  • Hierarchical (multi-level) indexing
  • Grouping
  • Merging, joining, and concatenating
  • Working with categorical data

The official Pandas tutorial summarizes some of the bachelor options nicely. If you want to learn more than almost Pandas and DataFrames, and then you tin check out these tutorials:

  • Pythonic Information Cleaning With Pandas and NumPy
  • Pandas DataFrames 101
  • Introduction to Pandas and Vincent
  • Python Pandas: Tricks & Features Yous May Not Know
  • Idiomatic Pandas: Tricks & Features Y'all May Not Know
  • Reading CSVs With Pandas
  • Writing CSVs With Pandas
  • Reading and Writing CSV Files in Python
  • Reading and Writing CSV Files
  • Using Pandas to Read Big Excel Files in Python
  • Fast, Flexible, Easy and Intuitive: How to Speed Up Your Pandas Projects

You've learned that Pandas DataFrames handle two-dimensional data. If you need to work with labeled data in more than than two dimensions, you tin check out xarray, some other powerful Python library for information science with very similar features to Pandas.

If y'all piece of work with large data and want a DataFrame-similar experience, then you might give Dask a risk and use its DataFrame API. A Dask DataFrame contains many Pandas DataFrames and performs computations in a lazy manner.


You now know what a Pandas DataFrame is, what some of its features are, and how you can use it to work with data efficiently. Pandas DataFrames are powerful, convenient data structures that you tin use to proceeds deeper insight into your datasets!

In this tutorial, you lot've learned:

  • What a Pandas DataFrame is and how to create one
  • How to admission, modify, add, sort, filter, and delete data
  • How to use NumPy routines with DataFrames
  • How to handle missing values
  • How to piece of work with fourth dimension-series data
  • How to visualize information independent in DataFrames

Y'all've learned enough to cover the fundamentals of DataFrames. If y'all want to dig deeper into working with data in Python, and then check out the entire range of Pandas tutorials.

If y'all have questions or comments, and so delight put them in the comment section beneath.

Watch Now This tutorial has a related video course created by the Real Python team. Watch information technology together with the written tutorial to deepen your understanding: The Pandas DataFrame: Working With Information Efficiently