im bored

Where Are You lot


Are you Bored at Work? Bored at Home? Bored with nothing to do? Visit Bored A Lot for Things To Practice When you're bored. Visit interesting facts Websites, Fun Sites, Fun Online Games, Useless Websites, along with Random Websites & just plain Weird Websites. If youre bored at your routine, effort some fun stuff

Our Latest I'm Bored Websites

See the latest funny and weird links from around the earth that have been added by united states of america.  Our vaults is packed with cool and fun things to do when you lot are saturday at dwelling house or work and you lot are looking for something different to practice.  Some of them are cool, and, some of them are the most baroque sites you have e'er come across, but all of them will give you a few seconds of relief from your boredom.  Don't forget, yous tin can press the hit me a random link at any time and you will be taken to a site from our vaults.

1000s Of Boredom Websites

Sure, there are other sites that you can stumble upon when y'all Google i'thou bored, but none of them are as good as ours. Sell we seem to remember so whatever way! We hope y'all that we have the most various set of links and fun things to do online for whatsoever type of person. Then stop procrastinating and cheque out our funny random categories below to give you a experience for what we are all well-nigh. When you are navigating around our pages yous will very quickly notice how much time you can waste, and so it may be worth getting the supplies in. Its going to be a long night.

Alternatively if you can't exist bothered to do that, y'all tin can click any random website button on our folio to let usa accept care of your boredom tendencies ourselves.  We accept a niche for everyone. So we can pretty much promise you that when you explore our vaults you volition stumble upon something that will involvement you, humor y'all and above all rid you of that lethargic feeling

Don't forget, nosotros would beloved to hear from you if you have a link that we would be interested in.  Submit it using the link in our me

Things To Do When Y'all're Bored

Finding Things To Do When You're Bored Online merely got like shooting fish in a barrel! There's plenty of Fun Stuff To Do When Yous're Bored. Check out Useless Websites, Random Websites, fun websites. Y'all can also find Weird Websites, Websites for Encephalon Training, Fun Online Games & More than. Discover Things to practice when youre bored.


Brain Training Websites

Think you're actually clever? And then click this tab for cool quizzes, mental tests and full general all round clever stuff to kill some time on a ho-hum twenty-four hour period

Arts & Crafts Websites

Love art, blueprint and creating things? Click this tab for high-sounding, doodling and creative and fun links to go the inspirational juices flowing and to waste material some time at work

Practical jokers websites

Are you a Mischievous and naughty type of person? Well this is the place for y'all. Welcome to our practical jokers category to help y'all get through those boring days

Useless Websites

Hit on this tab for the most useless links on the planet to cure boredom. Some of these are just weird, bizarre, and crazy, but are guaranteed to put a smile on your face up and make you express mirth

Fun Sites

Are you looking to waste matter fourth dimension at work or at habitation? Hit on this tab for a range of funny links that are guaranteed to make you lot smile. Just try non to laugh out loud or you might get yourself into trouble with the boss

weird websites

Striking this tab for a range of Actually random links and Weird websites that volition not only cure your boredom, but volition have y'all asking yourself what the f*ck?  These boredom sites are perfect for wasting time on.

Nada To Do

Do you take Nothing To Do? There'due south no reason to accept Null To Practice when you can turn boredom into a fun activity. If you accept goose egg to do, check out our Website for Facts & Figures, Quizzes, Puzzles & Trivia, Fun Games & Spooky Weird Websites to visit!

Bored At Work? Have Some More Ideas

Dexterity Websites

Accept yous ever wondered  how expert your hand eye coordination skills are? And then click here. Become an expert with these cool links from the comfort of your calculator

Games Websites When Bored

Click this tab for a range of   games and funny unusual games that you can play to help you get through the daily grind of a irksome and all consuming life

Weird Shopping Websites

Have fun spending your time relieving your tedious 24-hour interval by shopping for the most pointless and stupid items the internet has to offering

Love a skillful gear up of information or figures to continue you occupied? then take a look at these cool interesting facts links that will make yous look really smart and intelligent

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Need to get your brain working? Love a good quiz or trivia game to get the encephalon thing working? and then bank check out these fun and interactive sites to keep you occupied

Top Websites

This is the place for our meridian websites of more often than not weird and actually cool links,and fun things to practice online to cure those really boring days. So sit back and enjoy

I'chiliad Bored

You have no excuse to say I'g bored when you visit Bored A Lot. See whats popular this month with the I'grand Bored people. Read Funny Posters, Express mirth at Dogs & Cats, Visit Funny Websites and Weird Websites, Play games & Puzzles online. No Need to say I'm bored anymore!

Our Blog For Wasting Time

Visit our blog to see the latest goings on around the globe. Come across people who took time wasting and zippo to exercise to a whole new level by doing crazy and stupid things.  Hither you lot tin besides encounter our curated articles, where we have batched together niches and links in categorised posts.  Some of these posts are actually interesting, whilst some of them are really funny.  But all of them aim to serve only one purpose, and that is to get yous through the twenty-four hour period equally quickly and every bit stress free equally possible.  If we haven't done that we would like to know about information technology.

If y'all have any funny stories that you think would suit our blog, then submit it to united states of america using the link below, or send us an email.  We would dear to hear from you, and will hope that we will try our all-time to add it for all of our readers to see. We will even credit the link back to you, perfect for someone matter owns a useless website they are looking to promote

Top Games to Play When Bored Online

7 Interesting Online Courses for the Ones Who Say


Search Bored a Lot for Websites to visit when youre bored. Visit Funny Websites, Weird Websites, Interesting Websites, Random Websites. Plow Im Bored into finding Fun Sites. 1000'south of Im Bored Online Sites to visit. Im Bored - Not

Fun Sites

You like Fun Sites and we have plenty of them! Get a laugh out of our collection of fun sites to visit, lots of crazy, weird and fun sites to waste product your fourth dimension with. There are thousands of fun sites online, and we're one of the well-nigh Fun Sites around!

See what crazy and funny weird links to waste product fourth dimension on our visitors are looking at this month.  Yous can also cheque out the alive and constantly updating 'acme 25 list'.  If you are sat at work or in the abode you can find this at the meridian of the page or on the side bar of any of our posts and pages.

Help Boredom Around The World – Submit To U.s.

We know that there are hundreds, if not thousands of  Useless Websites and Pointless Websites,

And we are trying to create the worlds biggest resources of colorlessness web pages.  So we need your help.  If you own or know of a page that will cure colorlessness nosotros would love to hear from you lot.  Simply submit information technology to usa, and providing it meets our criteria, we will add information technology as presently as we can. Recollect the more random, funny or useless the better. It is likewise worth remembering that nosotros are too starting to accept Facebook pages and communities.  Then over again, if yous know of any cool ones you think people would like, then arrive touch

And then assist us put an finish to  tedious days around the earth and become submitting by clicking the push button below.